Curug Barong
Curug Barong, Leuwi Hejo located in Kampung Wangun, Leuwikaret Village, District Babakanmadang, Bogor Regency is so refreshing eye.
How not, the water is not so heavy, but crystal clear to the bottom.
About two meters or less, in it looks gravel and sand.
Small pebbles variety of colors, is apparent when looked at from above the water surface.
Water roaring noise dominates in the area, no trash.
Waterfall is not high, the water flow was fairly small.
Water massage while standing under a waterfall, reflection massaged seemed luxurious, completely natural treats from the wilderness.
To go to the waterfall Barong, the access is quite difficult.
From the direction of Sentul City, just before the gates Jungleland tour, take a right.
Straight road until the road is divided in two directions, toward Sukamkmur and direction of Cianjur.
The condition of the course was not too smooth, the way some point there is a hole.
Red paint wooden board was high sticking right side of the road.
Curug Barong, Leuwi hejo, above the arrow mengaras on vacant land with brown soil.
Terraced houses ceramics unique motifs accommodate some travelers to rest.
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