Ijen Crater Blue Fire
In August last, the four of us climbed the mountain in Java Ijen Timur.kami began to climb around 2:00 am, so she could see the blue flame that can only be seen at night.
published later, we want to see a green lake that stretches across the middle kawah.ternyata, impressive not only view, but also the workers behind asapbelerang belerang.di miners and charm of the landscape looks the hard work of the men who every day risk their lives in order to mine the sulfur which is used for various products, such as soap and kosmetik.teman our new climb, a miner berumur23 tahunbernama student, said he began working in the mines of sulfur Ijen since remaja.setiap day, he rose and turunke crater sulfur, be careful down lerang with unusually heavy jepitnya.walau sandals, Peker jaan this gives greater income in the appeal works as a natural bangunan.pesona Ijen bacon ta secular: we saw a blue flame, green lake, and scenery that make the archipelago beautiful.But really megagumkan is a man, who does not know surrender for the sake of menemum life more.
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