10 Best Coffee Producing Regions in Indonesia

Like coffee? If you liked this black brew drink, of course you have to try coffee from Indonesia unbeatable. From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia presents a paradise coffee for coffee lovers. Even foreign tourists recognizes Indonesia has the most delicious coffee quality. Here's some coffee in the Indonesian paradise that you should try!


Aceh has a very famous coffee. Especially in the area of ​​Central Aceh and Bener Meriah which has an area of ​​about 95 thousand hectares of coffee plantations. If you pay a visit to Aceh, you can go directly to the estate and see the processing of coffee. Gayo Arabica coffee should you try and take it home to enjoy at home.

Sidikalang, North Sumatra

Sidikalang is the capital of Dairi located in the northwest of North Sumatra. The city has a very delicious coffee plants. Sidikalang at an altitude of 1,066 meters above sea level which has various types of coffee can compete with the best and Brazil for the quality of the coffee. Sidikalang has Robusta coffee which was very tasty.


Lampung has exported coffee is very large in Indonesia. In West Lampung there are vast coffee plantations. And the coffee is spread around Central Lampung, Lampung Barat, and Tanggamus. Karangrejo village located in Mount Tanggamus have a very delicious coffee. Moreover, the present panorama plantation and cool atmosphere.

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West Java region has a history of fairly strong relationship with coffee. Priangan West Java is a coffee for 2 centuries of exploitation carried out by the Dutch colonial. This area has one of the named Java Preanger coffee production. It was certainly already unquestionable.

Kopi Kampung Banaran, Ambarawa

In Central Java, or rather in Ambarawa, there is a place that could produce enough delicious coffee. Here there Kampung Coffee Banaran managed quite well. Coffee plantations here are very cool and also free of smoke and pollution. Ambarawa coffee concoction so that is very delicious and also clean.

Kalisat coffee plantations, Bondowoso

East Java also has a coffee that should not be missed. In the area Kalisat, Bondowoso adjacent to the crater, there are coffee plantations managed by Perhutani. Approximately 4000 hectares of plantation is processed and milled and packaged as Arabica coffee. It feels absolutely delicious.


Bali also has coffee no less delicious. There Kintamani coffee plantations that combines Balinese coffee and Luwak coffee. The process is still using traditional means such as a furnace and firewood. And here coffee is also produced aromatherapy that you can try.

Bajawa, Flores

If you like coffee, you should try AFB or Arabica coffee Bajawa From the very famous abroad. AFB coffee is derived from Ngada plateau on the island of Flores. Ngada or Bajawa community has long cultivated coffee. And the coffee is processed by means of organic and does not use chemicals. No wonder if the quality is very superior.

Toraja, South Sulawesi

Sulawesi Toraja coffee is famous. Coffee became one of the icons of world tourism Toraja. The foreign tourists usually visit Toraja to get coffee in Toraja this. It feels absolutely delicious.

Baliem Valley Papua

Indonesia Papua is indeed heaven. In addition to gold, Papua has a high-quality coffee. Baliem Valley located in Wamena this is one very good coffee producer in Indonesia. Very strong coffee flavor and not too bitter. Being one of the favorite coffee from Indonesia.