Not to complete it if the road - the road to Lombok without tasting the typical food of this region. Spicy blend of dried chili paste mixed dominate almost all taste typical dishes of Lombok, which is very nengoda tastes. Without felt we ate with gusto up a sweat.
CHICKEN taliwang
Grilled chicken with herbs typical of the area Taliwang memeng be the belle of the typical dishes of Lombok. Spiciness do not ask! Moreover, coupled with plecing kale are also spicy and fresh. For those who are less able to enjoy spicy food, chicken Taliwang provide honey and soy sauce seasoning which also mengugah tastes. Here are the recommendations of many restaurants Taliwang located in Mataram and its surroundings.
Typical taliwang Pak Udin
Wren road No. 2B, Cakranegara.
Hp 08180360454 - 081917802532
Open from 17:00 to 00:00 pm
Eating Two Em Brothers
Transmigration road 99, Mataram
Taliwang Kingdom
Jalan Ade Irma Suryani, Mataram
Taliwang Irama
Jalan Ade Irma Suryani, Mataram
Like most regions in Indonesia who eat rice for breakfast, there is a breakfast menu in Lombok Rice Race PUYUNG. Rice mix consisting of vegetable beans or chickpeas, fried chicken, chili and shredded dry. Race PUYUNG rice is the mainstay of the breakfast menu because the price is affordable and filling. Rice is similar PUYUNG sego cats from Central Java, in portions and price. Race PUYUNG rice that are in the market - the traditional markets Rp 5,000;
RM Rinjani
Jalan Adi Sucipto, office Griya Pesona Rinjani
Hp 087865186815, 0817364501, 081907565935
Price USD 16,000; Open from 8:30 to 12:00 pm
As well as racing PUYUNG rice, mixed rice adalh types of food most easily found in Lombok with a very affordable price. 3A rice mix, a combination of rice with chicken, Antap (vegetable beans in Sasak language) and Abon. If Citilinkers nasih the way to the East Lombok there are two places that can be visited to enjoy this Mixed Rice.
Eating Ria
Jalan Sudirman, Praya (in front of the old market Praya)
Tel: (0370) 654081
Price USD 27,000;
Cheap stall 1
Highway Biau (T-junction Biau)
Special Mix rice for Rp 20,000;
This stall is famous among backpaper due to a portion of rice mixed can be enjoyed Rp 7,500;
Lombok has a typical satay was tasty gluttonous and makyus with other areas of the satay skewers rembige. Because the area is located in the sate of making Rembige village then called satay Rembige. Culinary has been around since the days of empire Pejanggik control of Lombok.
Created by one of the royal family the Pejanggik very expert in making satay and he settled in the village Rembige lam. His expertise handed down to the people Rembige and until now we can enjoy the culinary.
Rembige satay taste is very delicious, a mix of savory, sweet and spicy, served with rice cake and smothered in satay savory seasoning. With herbs and how to manufacture the hereditary make it different flavored satay skewers with other flavors.
Taste and can only be enjoyed in Lombok making anyone who visited Lombok will always stop by to enjoy satay Lombok can not we meet somewhere else.
Warung Dakota
Dakota road No. 2 Rembige, Mataram
Price Rp 25.000; per serving
Road Soetomo, Rembige
(Red light intersection direction Gunung Sari)
Sate is eaten with rice cake wrapped in leaves Nira. Nira leaf-wrapped rice cake is called Bulayak. Satenya itself consists of chicken, beef and beef intestines. One thing that m, arouses Bulayak Sate is different from the others is the spice satay skewers made from coconut milk and savory
Sate Bulayak Udayana
Open from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. PST
The price of Rp 15,000 per portion;
Satay fish baked with herbs typical of the Cape region, which of course spicy, seasoned gyrih. The fish used include fish Langoan and Marlin.
AA Gde Ngurah road, Cakranegara (next to the Bakery MIRASA)
Open from 11:30 to 18:30 pm
The price of USD 1000 per skewer.
For fans of food fry, Bebalung is food that must be tested. Bebalung a beef bone soup and savory and spicy, perfect for foodies who are not too could eat spicy food, like most food Lombok. Depot Kelebet: Jalan HOS.
Cokroaminoto, Mataram (back office Bubernur)
Open from 06 000 to 14.00
FISH Chopping
For food lovers fry, fish dishes Chop Lombok is a menu that must be tested. Selection of marine fish and freshwater fish, boiled fish is really tempting especially served with warm rice.
Warung Dakota
Dakota road No. 2, Rembige, Mataram
Prices range from Rp 50,000 - Rp 55,000 per serving, can be up to 4 people.
Rarang is a village in East Lombok famous Chicken Culinary Rarang. Rarang chicken covered in a shiny red chili seasoning with additional lemon juice on it, it could represent the taste, though not dicicip. A cursory look at it, a chicken dish this one seemed to have a peppery taste and mantab. For lovers of spicy dishes, chicken raring should be a row of culinary worth a try.
Served with fried soybean, vegetable nodes, liver chicken gizzard and all processing is done on the stove and use wood when cooking up savory aroma and flavor more pronounced. Although the chicken was filled with red peppers and spicy flavors dominate this cuisine but savory flavors and seasonings additional fiber felt in young chicken meat and not tough. Heart - heart when eaten as incredible spicy flavor. !
Restaurant Ayam Rarang Inaq Dellah
Highway Rarang, Rarang Village, East Lmbok.
In addition to super spicy culinary burning tongue, do not forget to taste traditional snacks Lombok. Influenced by the tastes of local people who like spicy and rich with spices, snacks typical of Lombok was finally not too sweet, just like a traditional Javanese snacks.
Cake pillow, snacks lunches berisa leaf sticky rice and meat.
Jeje Tujak, traditional snacks in the form of sticky rice and sticky tape are light green. It was tasty sweet appetite.
Iwel, traditional snacks that are formed with porridge, sticky and dark brown, but it's not too sweet like porridge that we encounter in Java.
Muke sari, traditional snacks consisting of layered glutinous brown porridge. It was sweet and too sticky.
Lopis Lombok, a traditional confectionary kind of layer cake green and white sweet. For fans of cakes - cakes, snacks is worth a try.
Apem, snacks made from rice flour is almost similar to apem that can be found in various regions in Indonesia. Brown and sweet.
In addition to traditional snacks, try several types of satay that can be found throughout the market. There awl satay, chicken, beef, or intestine. Everything is tempting with spicy seasoning of course burn the tongue. Besides traveled in Lombok, try to test the guts Citilinkers by eating foods that are super spicy Lombok. Guaranteed to be keyagihan!
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