Many are dreaming to have a job as a traveler. Can you tell me the preliminary work before it becomes a traveler?
Actually I am not a traveler does work, I am a writer who works full time in a Digital Agency Prtrichor, which is like the road - the road.
Until when Alex will travel around Indonesia and even the world? There is an old plan to spend time in a place?
I will continue to walk until I've ndak kuatlagi. And when my legs had enough, I'll use a wheelchair. He he. Plan to spend old age somewhere ... / till now, I kepikiran enjoy old age in New Zealand, surrounded by scenic ciamik and dear ones.
Alex discover what lessons when I travel? There is a unique story that can be shared while traveling?
The most important lesson runs made me realize that I can count on myself, especially when you're traveling alone. Unique story anyway there are so many. One in Dieng. There are horses that are rented to ride. Well ... I approached the brown mottled white horse. When I stroked, eh horse erection. All day, I laughed at friends - teman.Ha ... ha ... ha
There is a saying "Bepergianlah with someone you love" how Alex interpret that expression?
This expression can be true, it could be not. Not necessarily, the people we love it like walking - street. There you know, who abis traveling together, uh, broke up. Why? Yak arena not the frequency. Matches in the field of romance, not necessarily suitable for traveling together. But I am one who often traveled with a girlfriend. Yes sih..saya only fight, but after that so close again.
Being a role model and heard by many young people, especially in the world of Social Media, there is idealism eapa who want Alex to say to them?
Idealism ...... hm. Maybe this could be used as a handle: Do not be afraid of traveling alone, because there will always be a stranger who later became friends, there will always be people - people who will be happy to help you, and will be the most important: you have yourself. You will be amazed on how you can count on yourself.
As a traveler can write and photography is the perfect craftsmanship and expertise anything else you want to learn (to support traveling)?
Swbenarnya, pingin learn to make a good video. Ha ha
From all around the world travel notes Alex and Indonesia, where the places that require special preparation?
Requiring special peresiapan Just to Iceland. I had to survey first, starting from when, there is aurora there, how the temperature there during the winter, then I have to go shopping thick jackets, shoes are not going to make me slip die s, and physical exercise, so stamina remains strong in winter which menggigit.Sedangkan for traveling within the country there is no special preparation. I like surprises.
As a traveler, part of Indonesia which Alex found most interesting and want to always come back and come back? Which part of Indonesia that has not been visited?
I wanted to go back to Lombok and of course, to the city I was born: Pontianak. Natural Lombok and food Pontianak is a magnet that always draws me back. : ') Part of Indonesia that has not been visited? Oh .., a lot! I have not even been to Sulawesi and Eastern Indonesia!
What makes Alex is concerned about the condition of some of the sights and kebiasaanorang Indonesia against nature? Alex's how you can help mitigate the situation?
In Indonesia, which is always so concerm me, is always the problem of garbage. Always. Tourist attractions full of garbage, full of beach litter, garbage strewn lane mountain climbing as well. In fact, in retrospect we are selfish, yes, if damaged tourist spots, future generations will lose once, ndak can see the beauty that should last a long time. My way of helping, always start from yourself. I want nyampah ndak in the sights, my garbage is always my pocket and I take home, or I throw it into the trash. Easy - hopefully, in the future more and more conscious, tourist attractions not trash.
There are tips on how to deal with the budget or funds each month so Citilinkers (magazine readers) can travel as often as possible in a year?
Hunt cheaper tickets! Seriously, the tickets are cheap, it means already to save a percentage of total costs, then, go on when the low season. Price cheaper accommodation, resort, not too full of people.
How does Alex think about young people who are still reluctant to go wandering out of the area for reasons of fear traveling?
As I mentioned earlier, traveling alone will open the eyes that "it turns out, I can count on myself," Besides, if I am not trying, how do you know whwt you're capable of? ***
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