There is also a UPI (University of Indonesia), ubuntu, and much more. Seeing so many universities or colleges in the city of flowers, of course tenpat-place to support all activities of studying did not lose many, including hunting book in Bandung.
Book a place in Bandung
The place to look for books in Bandung very much. Some of them even already famous among local and foreign tourists. In fact, Bandung has now become one of the cities that have local publishers are much sought after by everyone. Some publishers even sell rare books that are not published and marketed in the stores ledger.
Here are some places that could be a goal to get quality books and of course cheap;
1. Palasari
Palasari market Bandung
For the citizens of Bandung, Palasari a place that could be a main goal to get quality books and cheap. In this place, visitors can get quality books, even providing a rare book though.
Palasari Bandung
Palasari itself is a complex market that sells a wide variety of books, both imported and locally. Located at Jalan. Palasari Bandung, the book market consists of many bookstores or kiosks that would provide books. There are many stores or stalls offering books there are many quality books and also cheap. One stall or the famous bookshop in Palasari is BBC (Bandung Book Center).
2. Scholastic Jl. Independent
Scholastic Jl. Merdeka Bandung
Who is not familiar with the major bookstores in Indonesia? Scholastic is a publisher and seller of high quality books that are widely used. Many shops Gramedia branches spread in Indonesia, one in Scholastic Jl. Merdeka Bandung. Scholastic Jl. Merdeka Bandung is one of the hunting book in Bandung that many targeted visitors, both local and foreign.
Located on Jl. Merdeka 43, Wells Bandung, the branch store is never empty of visitors. Proximity to several universities, such as Unisba, ITB Dago, and more make Scholastic always crowded.
3. Toga Mas
Toga Mas Bandung
Toga Mas is a bookstore that offers a discount on all the books in stores. Bookstore this one is a bookstore based in Malang and was founded by husband and wife. When first established, this bookstore sells only 1000 products book and utilize the living room as a private home outlet. With the concept of discount stores, this book continues to grow rapidly to open branches in cities around the Java-Bali.
Bookstore Toga Mas Bandung
In Bandung itself, Toga Mas became a hunting guide who never missed. There are two outlets Toga Mas which can be visited in this developing city, of which
Road. Supratman No. 45, Bandung. Tel. (022) 7206443
Road. Stone Fruit No. 178, Bandung. Tel. (022) 7304067
In this bookstore, visitors are not only presented the latest books at low prices. Visitors can also find quality books that are not sold in any bookstore.
4. House Books
Bandung house books
Similarly, Toga Mas, Houses Book also provides a wide variety of books at a very low price. The selected concept is almost the same as the Toga Mas, which sells a wide range of books with diskonan price, which is very cheap. Located on Jl. Supratman No. 96 Bandung. Tel. (022) 7233257, where hunting book this one close to Toga Mas, so it is not difficult to find.
5. Bookstore Karisma
Bookstore Karisma
Bookstore Charisma is one of the old book stores in Bandung. Bookshop located in Bandung Trade Center (BTC) Lt 1 LGF - G2, Jl. Dr Junjunan No. 143-149, Bandung Pasteur became the bookstore visited by local and foreign tourists. Many books are sold here. Not only the latest books published by leading publishers, bookstores also publishes books that spelled "weird" that is different from the books sold in other bookstores.
6. BBC (Bandung Book Center)
Bandung Book Center
Bookstore located at Jln. PHH Musthopa No. 7 (Jl. Holy), Next to Giant and ITENAS Bandung, is a branch of the BBC's bookstore in Palasari Market. Similar to other bookstores, bookstore provides books BBC complete and inexpensive that can be selected by visitors.
Most of the books in the BBC is not the same as the books are sold at a book store or book store the other, so that visitors will not regret looking to book here. In place of hunting book in Bandung, visitors can also envelop the book free of charge if the price of books purchased more than Rp. 20.000, -. In addition to books, the BBC is also available in stationery and office.
7. Lawang Books
Book mace Bandung
One more store different books with the bookstore sharing. Bookstore named Lawang This book presents a wide collection of books that mostly old books or old. Not only that, the shop might be called the book outlets can also fulfill the desire of visitors who ordered rare books to stores. For visitors who want to see and order directly old book, can come to stores in Jalan Taman Sari, Balubur Town Square, lt. 2 Bandung.
8. Bookstore at Jl. Dark Nyawang
If you are looking for Islamic books, try to come to Jl. Nyawang dark Bandung. There are several outlets that most bookstores selling religious books, especially books of Islam. The price offered was quite cheap. If you are a frequent visitor to the Mosque Salma ITB, stores this book is not too far from the mosque
9. Bookstore Elvira
Bookstore Elvira Bandung
Bookstore is located at Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No.10, Bandung. Most of the books were sold here is a college textbook that is much sought after by students. For general books, the bookstore is not very complete. However, for book lovers, bookstores this one remains a bookstore that can not be missed.
That is some reference books in Bandung hunting places that you can visit, may be useful.
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